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Responsive Size Viewer

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This work is fully responsive to browser size.
To specify an exact size add &width=6000 to the end of the url.
Hot keys: [s] to save current size in static PNG.

This collection minted out on December 17, 2022 with a total size of 997.
Random Generator


Love Art and Fuck The Floor Price

This generative art collection by mindrash demonstrates the literal break from traditional art framing into this generative, dynamic, and often unusual space. While most are animated, some may only have strokes which fade in or show no movement at all. Fifteen contributors were asked for their favorite album and an adverb. From those album covers, palettes were created and named incorporating their influence into the collection.

They don't all move and they don't always move. That's all part of it. Have fun.


Fully responsive in browser using p5.js with rendered GIFs on Ethereum

Here I have started to use more of a long form generative process by using the Artblocks template with p5.js and going fully responsive in the browser. All of the pieces are generated from a random hash that produces deterministric random results. To display in marketplaces I choose to produce GIFs as previews in this situation which means there is a multistep process.

All pieces are responsive to display at any size of the browser or by explictly specifying ?width=1000 (or desired pixels) on the animation url.

Hot key [s] to save PNGs from the current view for print or any other use.

Art Specifications

See attributes below to access alternate sizes and printable frames.
spec value
Dimensions Fully Responsive p5.js@1.5.0, rendered GIFs at 1000x1000 pixels, hot key [s] to save at any size
Image Type Animated GIF and PNG
Blockchain Ethereum 0xaf7C52AEa9d8516de7267e4EFa9b81bcf44ebf14
Distributed IPFS
License CC BY-NC 4.0
Supply 997

Attributes Rundown

attribute description
type stoic, dynamic, wildcard
mint pass True/False - to be used for future mints
your rash role You are now a part of the RASH. To be used for future utility
blend internal square region with different contrasts
letter k, u, c, f
palettes 16, 15 of which were derived from input of people's favorite albums